Taxation is fairly simple.

It is not a statement everyone would agree on. I offer my decade-long experience and all my talent in taxation matters to your enterprise, so that you may concentrate on what you do best.

Andrea Békeiné Kiss

  • I help in setting up new enterprises, by avoiding unnecessary costs. 
  • I evaluate transactions from a taxation perspective, suggest alternatives. 
  • I represent your enterprise effectively by having a fair professional relationship with tax authorities and other offices.
  • My main areas of expertise are value added taxes and income taxes.
  • I was awarded ‘Tax advisor of the year’ in 2016, on a professional competition with more than 800 participants.

Service highlights

tax planning for founding and restructuring of enterprises

tax evaluation and business modeling for complex transactions

court tax expert services

You may want to contact me in any of the following cases

I think I need to pay less taxes

This may well be the most frequent reason for contacting a tax expert on the 12th and 20th day of each month. Even though my bookkeeper colleagues tend to offer good tax optimisation advice, there is usually some room for improvement. This service includes the review of past transactions and their taxation with your bookkeeper, and I may suggest changes, for further optimisation. 

I plan to found a new enterprise

Your first business decisions are made before the enterprise is actually founded. It is quite common to start the foundation process by mandating a lawyer, and that can already start to narrow down your options to optimise the taxation environment for your new company. My pre-foundation consultation service will cover all aspects and decisions you may need to consider before day one from a taxation perspective. My customers usually experience, that this service is causing the best return on their invesment from my portfolio. 

I am about to make a transaction of significant value

Business decisions on significant transactions usually have significant taxation effects. If you are planning to invest in a high-value asset, buy real estate, change your vehicle fleet, expand overseas or start a new activity, you may want to do some tax planning beforehand. 

We will find answers to the following questions: 

– How much tax needs to be paid to whom and when?
– Is there room for optimisation?
– Can I have better payment conditions for my taxes?

I made a decision, but I don't know the taxation consequences

Sometimes you may have to make a swift business move. Tax consequences may be secondary, or unknown at the time of such decisions. I offer my services to help in preparation for those consequences, and to optimise even if the decisions are already made. 

I need an expert opinion in the court of law

I support the legal counselling with a well-established, professional, objective tax expert’s opinion. 

I have trouble in the electronic services of the state such as 'ügyfélkapu', 'cégkapu', online cash registers etc.

One of the biggest challenges for small and medium enterprises nowadays is to introduce the proper ways of working, to adapt to electronic processes with the tax authorities, municipalities, courts and other offices. I help you with: 

– understanding the prerequisites and ways of electronic processes in taxation,

– acquiring the necessary accesses

– defining the authorizations

– showing you best practices to focus on important messages. 

On top of that, I will draw your attention to using proper electronic communication in invoicing, bookkeeping, that will eventually save a lot of effort both for you and your bookkeeper. 

I don't have much expertise in running an enterprise, yet

My 19 years of experience in bookkeeping includes accumulating knowledge in avoiding issues comon to the early phase of an enterprise, and to help in planning taxation. Should you start a new enterprise, book an appointment, and let us talk through your early options. 

My clients said:

Question: Who is a certified tax expert? I don't know these terms...…

Answer: Professionals helping enterprises in taxation matters have the following professional titles:

  • certified bookkeepers: professionals with high school degree, matriculation, certificate of good conduct and certification for bookkeeping, who may gather knowledge about taxation as well. 
  • tax advisors: professionals having a high school or university diploma in economic sciences or accounting, who have at least one year of experience in the field of bookkeeping or finance, and have accomplished the tax advisory education. 
  • tax experts: tax advisor professionals with at least three years of experience in the field of finances or tax advisory. This title does not require additional education to be completed. 
  • certified tax experts: the highest level of tax education. High school or university degree, language proficiency, a minimum of five years of tax advisory experience, and a two year education needs to be successfully accomplished to have this title. They can specialise in value added taxes, income taxes, international transactions and tax control matters, sometimes in more than one field of experience. 
  • All the above professionals are required to upkeep their professional knowledge by completing yearly credits for renewing taxation areas, that the Ministry of Finance registers. 

Source of information: 263/2018. (XII. 20.) Korm. rendelet